Project : Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror is an American anthology-style television series created by director Mick Garris for the Showtime cable network and produced by Industry Entertainment, Nice Guy Productions and IDT Entertainment, which eventually became Starz Productions. There were two seasons of 13 episodes released between October 2005 and February 2007 and included some of the most legendary horror directors in the industry, including: Don Coscarelli, Stuart Gordon, Tobe Hooper, Dario Argento, Mick Garris, Joe Dante, John Landis, Wiiliam Malone, Lucky McKee, Larry Cohen, John McNaughton, Taksahi Miike and that was just from Season 1. I created the website for the series as well as online marketing campaigns and printed promotional pieces.
As part of a marketing strategy for the release of the Season 2 DVD box set, we partnered with Brightcove to create a fan contest. The premise of the contest was to have the fans create their own Masters of Horror trailers for a chance to win DVDs and other prizes. Utilizing Brightcove's Aftermix product, an online based non-linear video editing platform, we were able to provide fans with stills, video clips, graphics and sound effects and allowed them to submit their trailers online for the contest. We then distributed the winning trailers online and on our YouTube page, furthering the marketing effort.